
Devotional - Acts 27:25

“So keep courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.”

Lord, I trust everything You say and whatever medium You choose to speak to me. Reveal Yourself to me and the plans You have for my life. Give me knowledge of what is to come during these End Times and give me comfort despite future circumstances. Give me a courage like Paul, who knew the shipwreck was coming, but still he went to You in prayer and he led by example. He instilled confidence in others and let them know that security and peace of mind can only be found in the God of the universe. Open up my eyes and mind, so that I can interpret the world around me. I feel that we are on the verge of the Final 7 Years and I want to be prepared. I want to be a source of comfort and guidance for others, ultimately, leading them into Your precious arms. We are living in tumultuous times of insecurity and doubt. Make it a time when we have to rely on You and You alone. Let faith be our anchor, courage be our sails, and You be our rudder. May we be able to steer through the storms and witness a glorious new beginning.


Devotional - Acts 22:14

“Then he said: ‘The God of our fathers has chosen you to know his will and to see the Righteous One and to hear words from his mouth. You will be his witness to all men of what you have seen and heard. And now what are you waiting for? Get up, be baptized and wash your sins away, calling on his name.'”
Thank You Father for presenting Your primary will in my life: to know and follow You, speaking Your name and proclaiming Your glory wherever I go. Let me be like Paul and be able to see You and hear You. What an example he is of a man who threw it all away to glorify Yourself; going to the very ends of the known world to share the gospel with the lost and the broken. Let me share with others my story and more over Your story — one of redemption and grace for ungrateful and undeserved children. I need to take this last verse to heart most, because it gives a call to action in the life of a missionary. Let me be active, be cleansed, be pure, and be bold. I have nothing to wait for and every tool in my possession. May God’s Kingdom spread like a contagious cancer of joy, love, and peace. Let Your relationship intoxicate this planet and engulf the hearts and minds of every person.


Nicaragua Winter 2009 - A New Year of Fresh Opportunities

Back in Granada with a new home, new adventures, and new ministry opportunities.

Devotional - Acts 20:24

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”
Lord, let this statement reign true in my life. Let me not find value and worth in the things of this world. Give me satisfaction and strength in the task ahead, sharing your Word and proclaiming your Name. Let me run swiftly with confidence and finish well. I want to be a good and faithful servant in all that I do. Whatever my calling may be, let me do it with pride and to the full, finding joy and contentment no matter the circumstances. I want to be nothing; you to be everything; and share with others the Someone. Let boldness and authority be my closest allies, casting out fear and timidity. You are the Lion of Judah that offers peace and serenity, but the day will come for judgment to befall mankind. Please make this a generation of forerunners, running the race as a unified team with the one goal of spreading your renown and sharing the hope that we have.


Destino Del Reino

A promo video by Clay Sandoz about Destino del Reino, a school and orphanage located in Siguatepeque, Honduras.


Devotional - Acts 9:15-16

“But the Lord said to Ananias, ‘Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name”
Lord, I ask You for the courage like Ananias to simply go, no matter the circumstances or potential outcome. He went willingly to a known enemy because You told him, and You used him to bring healing and restoration. I petition you for this gift in my life. I also want to thank You for the example of Paul, and how You showed the world that You can use anyone, no matter their past or previous actions. I want to be Your chosen instrument to see the expanse of Your kingdom and to see Your glorious return. Wherever I have to carry Your name, may I do it with Your Spirit as my guide and my gifts as Your hands. Train me in Your tabernacle, house me in Your temple, and take me to the nations. If I must suffer to see the gospel’s advancement, so be it. Bring the pain, bring the suffering, but only do it to one day bring relief and rest. I want to be Your mobile instrument that You play, use, motivate, shape, utilize, encourage, and humble What must I endure to see Your name become great?


Devotional - Acts 1:8

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Lord, am I truly taking up this challenge? I might be in Samaria or at the ends of the earth, but the question still arises — Am I a witness for You who is continually empowered by the Holy Spirit? I pray that this will become more true and more evident on a daily basis. May I shine Your grace and share Your love no matter what circle of people I’m surrounded by, no matter what country I’m in, and no matter what culture I’m immersed in. I must remain as a reflection of you, always seeking your will and interest. Christ’s followers asked when He would restore the kingdom to Israel, and He said the times and dates were not for them to know, but only by the Father and His authority. However, He has given us authority over the kingdom of heaven, the Church; and we are here to spread its expanse across the globe. We are equipped with the Gospel, the Holy Spirit, and one another; and we are in a war that won’t be resolved till Christ’s return. So let us be prepared and be alert for what’s to come, but also let us take comfort and security in the satisfaction that Christ is for us and not against us. We have a mighty Savior, a compassionate Father, and a loving Bridegroom. Let us welcome the world into this unique and passionate relationship.