
Devotional - Acts 27:25

“So keep courage, men, for I have faith in God that it will happen just as he told me.”

Lord, I trust everything You say and whatever medium You choose to speak to me. Reveal Yourself to me and the plans You have for my life. Give me knowledge of what is to come during these End Times and give me comfort despite future circumstances. Give me a courage like Paul, who knew the shipwreck was coming, but still he went to You in prayer and he led by example. He instilled confidence in others and let them know that security and peace of mind can only be found in the God of the universe. Open up my eyes and mind, so that I can interpret the world around me. I feel that we are on the verge of the Final 7 Years and I want to be prepared. I want to be a source of comfort and guidance for others, ultimately, leading them into Your precious arms. We are living in tumultuous times of insecurity and doubt. Make it a time when we have to rely on You and You alone. Let faith be our anchor, courage be our sails, and You be our rudder. May we be able to steer through the storms and witness a glorious new beginning.

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