
Devotional - Acts 1:8

“But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”
Lord, am I truly taking up this challenge? I might be in Samaria or at the ends of the earth, but the question still arises — Am I a witness for You who is continually empowered by the Holy Spirit? I pray that this will become more true and more evident on a daily basis. May I shine Your grace and share Your love no matter what circle of people I’m surrounded by, no matter what country I’m in, and no matter what culture I’m immersed in. I must remain as a reflection of you, always seeking your will and interest. Christ’s followers asked when He would restore the kingdom to Israel, and He said the times and dates were not for them to know, but only by the Father and His authority. However, He has given us authority over the kingdom of heaven, the Church; and we are here to spread its expanse across the globe. We are equipped with the Gospel, the Holy Spirit, and one another; and we are in a war that won’t be resolved till Christ’s return. So let us be prepared and be alert for what’s to come, but also let us take comfort and security in the satisfaction that Christ is for us and not against us. We have a mighty Savior, a compassionate Father, and a loving Bridegroom. Let us welcome the world into this unique and passionate relationship.

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