
Devotional - Acts 9:15-16

“But the Lord said to Ananias, ‘Go! This man is my chosen instrument to carry my name before the Gentiles and their kings and before the people of Israel. I will show him how much he must suffer for my name”
Lord, I ask You for the courage like Ananias to simply go, no matter the circumstances or potential outcome. He went willingly to a known enemy because You told him, and You used him to bring healing and restoration. I petition you for this gift in my life. I also want to thank You for the example of Paul, and how You showed the world that You can use anyone, no matter their past or previous actions. I want to be Your chosen instrument to see the expanse of Your kingdom and to see Your glorious return. Wherever I have to carry Your name, may I do it with Your Spirit as my guide and my gifts as Your hands. Train me in Your tabernacle, house me in Your temple, and take me to the nations. If I must suffer to see the gospel’s advancement, so be it. Bring the pain, bring the suffering, but only do it to one day bring relief and rest. I want to be Your mobile instrument that You play, use, motivate, shape, utilize, encourage, and humble What must I endure to see Your name become great?

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