
Devotional - Acts 20:24

“However, I consider my life worth nothing to me, if only I may finish the race and complete the task the Lord Jesus has given me — the task of testifying to the gospel of God’s grace.”
Lord, let this statement reign true in my life. Let me not find value and worth in the things of this world. Give me satisfaction and strength in the task ahead, sharing your Word and proclaiming your Name. Let me run swiftly with confidence and finish well. I want to be a good and faithful servant in all that I do. Whatever my calling may be, let me do it with pride and to the full, finding joy and contentment no matter the circumstances. I want to be nothing; you to be everything; and share with others the Someone. Let boldness and authority be my closest allies, casting out fear and timidity. You are the Lion of Judah that offers peace and serenity, but the day will come for judgment to befall mankind. Please make this a generation of forerunners, running the race as a unified team with the one goal of spreading your renown and sharing the hope that we have.

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